Thursday, October 14, 2010


So, WBCOOP time is coming round again, first up is the end of October, then should be another in January.

Have also been playing a few of the NLO8 STTs on Stars. Starting at the $6 level with the NLO8, regular speed with knockouts, I have and ROI of about 47%. Have now played 6 of the $13s and have cashed in 5, winning 2 and with an unfeasible ROI of 127%. Not sure why this is, other than running like god, I don't think the other players are that terribad, even at the $6 level.

Profit in September was $183 overall, currently up $455 in October, having managed 5th place in another $109 O8 tourney on Stars. Out after I had AALL busted 3 times on the final table, having been 7/7 and 1/5 at various stages.

[edited out logo, screwed up the layout of the menus]

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